Well I just finished FF16–all the hunts, side quests, and bosses.
So here’s my honest review:
This game is one of the greatest games ever made if not THE most. The work and love put into this game show in every single aspect. The music, character interaction, landscape design, character creation and development, everything…start to finish. Nothing about the game development was lacking or lazy. The ending is as cathartic and sad as the older games (for the OG FF players) that leaves you feeling connected still to the world that Square built and immersed you into. A game where even the side quests are important and not a waste of time just trying to earn another achievement—but that build the world and show more character backstory and help the main character to develop into the person he ultimately will become by the end of the game. I have sobbed the last 30 minutes of gameplay. Have tissues at the ready; (even you hardened badass gamers who like to seem unaffected by the most cathartic and sad of game endings).
This is the best video game ending since kingdom hearts; I feel tethered to this world they built and would happily play a sequel were there to be one. But as for this one…my heart needs some time before another play through.
50/10 stars
Would recommend to any gamer worth their salt.
And slow clap for all the game devs who put their blood, sweat, tears, hopes, and dreams into making this game.
It was a triumph.