You either believe in God, that he robed himself in flesh and was sent not only as the spotless Lamb to atone for all of our sins and offer salvation through repentance (a turning away from sin and toward God-a changing of mind and direction by the stirring of our hearts)... that His duality was that the Son of Man was manifested to destroy the forces of darkness (1 John 3:8)... or you don't! People that want to fit God into their lives rather than fitting their lives into God won't like this book! People that believe that God's word is affected/effected by popularity, a certain period of time, to appease the crocodiles, or because their child grew up to be gay--won't like this book! False grace, grace gone wild, and false prosperity doctrine followers, double-hand handshakers and patty cake preachers won't like this book! Truth is a person, his name is Jesus! This is the weak generation that Jesus speaks of in Matthew 12:43! These are the same old ancient spirits that the Seymour's and Wigglesworth's held at bay! We are not seeing these abominations in America because of a period in time, we have left the door wide open for evil to return starting in the early 60's. We are programming and poisoning children with the devil's agenda! In the wide open! And foolish ungodly people run their mouths and are so arrogant that they try to put words in God's mouth! Personal choices!??! God never stopped anyone from freedom of choice! If you can't look around and see the devil"s control in and of America, from industry, to teachers/professors, to politicians and the public... then you have chosen who you believe in whether you realize it or not! You belong to the Prince of this dark world! And you will not like this book! Lord God in heaven, I call on supernatural awakening on a massive scale! I intercede on behalf of America, and repent of the atrocities and abominations that have become commonplace. The hands that kill the innocent! The perversion and the pestilence that we are poisoning children with! I draw the sword of the Spirit from the belt of Truth, and I cut out the lies at the root! I cut the head off of the serpent! In Jesus name! Let the Spirit of Truth fall and rest in our hearts and our households! Remove our stony, stubborn hearts and replace them with tender responsive hearts! We need you Lord! You alone are our refuge! You are the Rock where we can all hide! O' Mighty Fortress go before us! In the tender loving, triumphant and transforming name of Christ Jesus I pray! Amen!!