From school days we learnt from books.......
Have been a recovering alcoholic for 4 loooong years now and a while ago I started on the literature of the AA group. Then it struck me just how much I learnt from the Bible and this got me hooked on our Twelve Steps And the Twelve Traditions which have become my Bible now for it is of cardinal interest to me now to remane where I am at the moment and enjoy the love from my family which eluded me for too long.
This literature, to my mind, is very necessary in any alcoholics' recovery. It gives a person quicker insights into ACTIONS that are life saving.
With the greatest respect to "The Older Statesmen and Women" that contributed to not only mine, but numerous addicts' inflictions.
Thank Him for loving and caring women for it is they that keep the family together. Like mine.
Keep it up fellow abstainers! It is worth it. The emotional sobriety (2 yrs) is a gateway into heaven. And I started observing into for ever!!
Yeah my name is Jack and I'me a very, very happy alcoholic.