I was horribly depressed after this movie. Disney failed us in a significant way especially after hyping us up with the Disney Princesses (only good part of the whole movie). I wish I would have never seen it because it slightly ruined the first movie for me which I thought was beautifully done. In the first movie all both of them (Ralph and Vanellope) wanted was a friend and to feel needed; to be recognized for their purpose in life/game.
The second one made Ralph needy and Vanellope dark. I can get over that she was selfish and needed to find her own way in life, which I do believe is an important lesson but not a lesson to be taught in this fashion. Vanellope was a 'Princess/President' of her game and therefore the main character and decides to leave? I thought what they would have done is gone to the net to find new tracks to bring back to her game so EVERYONE in her game could have a new fun experience.
What I found worse was how dark, depressing and actually disgusting this movie became. I found it horrifying that the person they went to for the virus was terrifyingly disgusting and they had every opportunity to create a better villain here. Plus, they made Ralph the villain of this movie as well. And it was a sad, depressed, needy villain which ruins the character they built for him in the first. And, I don't know about anyone else, but the multi-Ralph large Ralph was terrifying the way all the bodies were moving. Then for Vanellope to end up in a race called Slaughter Race. Seriously Disney? What are you trying to teach our children?!
Overall appalled and disgusted and horrified by this movie. Bad plot, bad characters, badly put together morale, horrifying character, dark and depressing.
Side note: Totally unrealistic that they would get any time to video chat seeing that if Vanellope were online she would be working 24/7.