"Blue Eye Samurai" is a visually stunning animated series that captivates with its intense and intricate art style. However, it's important to note that this is not an anime in terms of story, plot, or dialogue, iit feels western. It's Netflix, therefore there is an agenda.
While the series earns a solid 5 for its art and intensity, it ultimately falls short in delivering a satisfying narrative. Mizu's reasonings remain unclear throughout much of the series, and when they are finally revealed, they fail to make a significant impact. Additionally, the series is x rated, which may not be suitable for everyone.
Despite these shortcomings, I enjoyed the series, but was not satisfied with the character endings. None of the character arcs felt fully resolved, leaving a sense of incompleteness. Ignoring the agenda behind it, "Blue Eye Samurai" remains an interesting watch, but it might leave some viewers wanting more in terms of character development and closure.