I watch an hour of this show everyday. I like the show, I prefer the cast on Saturdays over the ones during the week. I want to comment on forgiving student loans. The cast on this morning show seems to be for it. Again wealthy people getting a break. What about the people who couldn’t afford college went to community college. I am one of those people. I have worked since I was 17. Everybody gets a break except for the middle class. The car manufacturers were bailed out, the banks were bailed out after giving loans to anybody. What are we teaching people by forgiving all bad choices. I’ve never been forgiven debt including hospital debt that can financially cripple someone. Let’s not forget about credit card debt and taxes they are your responsibility to pay.I couldn’t go to college we could not afford it I had to work in order to eat and sleep with a roof over my head. Stop helping out the wealthy, let them know what it is really like to work for a living. By erasing the debt we are teaching wealthy people you don’t have to be responsible and pay your bills.