Wikipedia defines the word 'art' as "Art is a diverse range of (products of) human activities involving creative imagination to express technical proficiency, beauty, emotional power, or conceptual ideas."
Hero Mode is not art. Hero mode has surpassed every possible definition of the word. Hero Mode is like nothing I've ever seen before. When the credits began to roll, I wept.
I wept because I felt what one might feel when they see a new color or feel the warm embrace of their mother. I wept for the beautiful story arc and the characters and the relationships and the power of love.
After I left the theater I immediately went to Church. I went to church to thank God for bestowing those among us to create such a masterpiece of a film.
I then went to the streets of Reno, Nevada to tell the wandering sinners of Hero Mode. I felt so lucky to enlighten their hollow minds.
I walked out of the theaters ten minutes into Hero Mode.