Whether you are on a spiritual journey or simply want to learn how to be fully present (at least some of the time), then this book is worth the read. However, you may have to go into it tempering your expectations, knowing that no one has all the anwers (Tolle is no exception), for he unfortunately presents many of his thoughts as facts with little to no evidence. In the audio version, read by him, he doesn't warnly come accross and on occasion, surprisingly impatient as I am assuming, he chose the questions for this text. At times, he makes statements about gender that struck me as old-fashioned. Nonetheless, his message is mostly profound and presented in a simple and practical manner that really sticks. He makes you think about your thought process; how much importance you are placing on the past or your future, while ignoring the present. While not perfectly, he has accomplished what I think he intended; make readers think more deeply about the power of "now". As is the case with most books in this genre, I take the pieces of wisdom or practical applications and move on to my next read. For this book, I plan to buy the print version and keep it around as a tool that I can go back to whenever needed.