I've just rewatched Ep.1 of S.1 again, in the hope that it would impress me more than its first viewing (a couple of years ago) but sadly it didn't. The opening scenes depict what appeared to be an inexperienced bomb disposal officer about to switch on a bathroom light, until what turns out to be a much less experienced guy warns her of the risk, which stops her in her tracks. Not a good start. It doesn't get much better. It's one of those dramas which should work but doesn't. From an immature boss with a huge, er, crush on the female bomb disposal officer, to an ex fellow Army colleague whose name she forgets, the characters generally miss the mark and I suspect that anyone who knows their stuff would find holes in the action that you could drive a Routemaster into.
It's a shame. Slightly miscast in places with dodgy direction that just doesn't come together. I'm amazed they're doing a second series...