I'm first going to say that this movie, unlike some moron who is the top review who states blatantly, is NOT over-hyped. Overhyping in this scenario would call for it not being what it was said to be, when all this movie did was garner its following with its advertising due to Jordan Peele's narrative genius.
The plot, hoo'man, the plot. It's purposefully left a LOT to our imagination, and there are a lot of people trying to shame the movie for leaving "plot holes", ignore these people. These are people who couldn't understand that this was the direction and intention of Peele's writing, or who couldn't understand the subtle details, or all in all, what Peele is trying to say. The plot, is what makes this movie amazing. From the start we are confused regardless of the numerous little herrings that Peele shows us. But then, BAM, it makes as much sense as our imaginations can make it.
Imagination is what he leaves up to the viewers. To those who dont get it or don't bother to get it, he doesn't care, it's not a movie for the brainless. As it was the same in Get Out. Use your imagination; think about what is taken for granted, think about who the real "Us" is if taken away from our privilege and all that we don't pay any mind to, think about what thin sheets of social construct seperates "Us" from becoming "Them". Who could be the bad? Who could be the good? What is happening *after* and *during* this?
There are horrifying and meaningful questions that come with this film that most do not even have the capacity to ask, and in that a lot of the plot is lost on them.