This new season is leaps and bounds better than its (very enjoyable channel 4) predecessor. The Netflix reboot manages to merge high-octane action, emotional drama and subtle socio-political commentary into an utterly addictive viewing experience.
The season is well paced and remains interesting throughout , never sacrificing its gritty nature for want of a cheap thrill.
Appropriate time is given to both minor and major characters, so that we feel substantially invested in their narrative arcs. This fufills two functions. Firstly, it adds excitement to the drama when characters we feel attached to come into conflict with one another. Secondly, but perhaps more importantly, it makes a subtle philosophical point about our moral luck. Understanding which causes lead to actions, illuminates the fact that ultimately none of us really chooses to act how we do. Was it Ats’ fault that his mum was not allowed to work? If this had not been the case would he still have chosen to take the yellow bag etc...? Or if Jamie was not having to play quasi dad would he have still turned to drug dealing or would he have gone to university like his brother?
For me Top Boys biggest successs are the overall positive comments it manages to make whist commenting on bleak social problems. However, on a purely superficial level, it’s exciting fun and cool. And great a sound track.