James Dashner’s “The Eye of Minds, the Mortality Doctrine | Book 1” is the worst book I've ever had the displeasure of reading. I genuinely cannot believe this complete and utter garbage dumpsterfire of text was made by the same guy who wrote Maze Runner. It is just another dystopian future book about hackers and gamers meant for teens, and it didn't even do it right. They try to make it serious by starting off the book with a suicide, but it doesn't even feel tense. The villain is lame, the characters are cardboard cutouts, and the main character is the biggest disappointment for an attempt at a “cool hacker guy” I have ever seen portrayed in my entire 15 years of living. The main characters are literally the three basic characters, the main character is smart and cool, the side character who is sort of dumb, and then a girl. There is no soul behind the story, there is no effort put into the writing, and it reads like Dashner’s desprate attempt to claw his way back to his former glory. I would not read this to myself, my child, my dog, my cat, or my grandma, as by the time I would get past the first sentence they would all be fast asleep with how garbage this waste of paper is. If your area allows you to recycle books, do it, and if it doesn't allow the recycling of books, then burn it. When I picked up this book I expected to be reading on paper, but not reading about paper, these characters are as well developed and 3 dimensional as flat Stanley. The only reason this book gets good reviews from reviewers is because Dashner pays them off by sending them pictures of himself with cat ears on.