Yeah… I would refund if I could. It’s fun to play but I don’t even feel like the AI progresses. I don’t even feel like I’m top tier yet but the AI can’t beat me. I’ve blown through all the cups. This game needs some polish. It feels pretty rushed. The gear doesn’t feel very strategic. Even though there’s technically several different maps, it all feels like one map because the way they decided to do half and half. (I miss the game cube days when you could play on Donkey Kong’s hardwood floor). I wish there was more customization options in terms of how you want to play. I miss the days when you picked a team captain and the other players were just grunts (all toads, all birdos or all koopas). I don’t really mind that you can have a team of 4 stars but then the other team can have your 4 exact stars and something about that just feels…. Meh. There’s a lot of little things that bother me, like for toad’s super strike a bunch of other roads come out of nowhere to help him but they have different color hats on every time. (I’d rather just have them all wear the team color). Idk I guess that last one is nit picking, but seriously I feel this game is paper thin, there’s not much there. The game cube game at least had atmosphere, personality and soul. This has the personality but is missing the soul and the atmosphere. I feel like where they went all out on smash bros ultimate they went in the opposite direction on this one. I feel like they gave us even LESS than what was on the original game cube version. With the AI not getting any tougher, it just feels like a stagnant hollow game. Sad:(