How dare people say this film is inappropriate?! I got my period when I was 12, and I had no clue about it, and It was a weird time...I wish someone talked to me about it, I wish I had a movie like this growing up - to spark a conversation with my mom earlier. I remember being so ashamed of so many things, like how I thought about boys and how they made me feel, looking back I was just a child discovering herself! And god how much I relate to Mei...I always felt pressured to be perfect and I wouldn't dare disrespect my parents, especially my mother that always says "I never said anything against my mother's word", I know she had a lot of pressure on her as well, she was pressured to become a doctor because she wanted her mother to be happy, and she doesn't even enjoy the profession, so honestly this film felt like a depiction of my life, and I cried and laughed so much! The animation is just so damn wonderful, and I even went back to see reactions they animated because they were so damn good! I really enjoyed this movie, and I am so happy it exists...12 years old me is crying inside tears of joy.