Infinity Train is a Cartoon Network Miniseries that has character and story to tell that'll tug your heartstrings wishing it had more episodes to delve into. The premise of a Train housing what seems to be a Infinite amount of cars each with their own Landmark, Problems, Themes, as the list goes on. The First season Featured a character Named Tulip and her real life struggles of denying the events of her life which leads her to the train and must Solve not only the mystery of the train but also help herself in the process. The Lore and Story along with Character depth adds excitement and realism to each character's personality. After watching its 2nd season with a heartfelt conclusion makes me wish Cartoon Network gave this series a little more faith to continue its story and wonderful creative direction. My Only flaw is that the story is rushed due to limited episodes per season but its a matter that can be overlooked to enjoy a Gem among the shows the Network displays. If picked up for a 3rd season i could see the Network allowing more episodes to allow more depth and Lore with this show.