Around Christmas I had a sore throat, then a chesty cough started, but as it was a busy time I carried on, doseing myself with Benlyn and Beechams. I was bringing up, and blowing out lots of thick mucus. Christmas day, the family came around in the morning as usual, Icooked dinner, my Husband and I sat down at 3pm and after 3 mouthfuls I couldn't eat any more. it was as if allmy strength that I had been forcing to carry on, just seeped away. I went to bed, as it took to much will power to keep upright, and stayed there for 3 days. My strength had gone, and it took all my will power to walk the 8 steps from bed to bathroom. My cough and what I was bringing up and blowing out was cotinuous. I got up after 3 days, but it was the end of January before my strength came back. Dureing allthis I did have a temperature and ached allover, and in the beginning, I had a dreadful headache. Could this have been the corona virus? I am 74, and have no way of finding out. yours sincerely Diane warren