What is wrong with these reviews??? Ian star struck maybe? This show has absolutely terrible writing. I'll start with just the first episode to avoid spoilers. Dr. refuses passage to the artic because he, "has a guy?" - (on a research scientist salary lol) his guy has no experience in the artic as referenced to him being baffled that 30 degrees wasn't cold - somehow shows up in a storm in a helicopter not designed for artic travel, the good Dr. brings his buddy into this situation instead of going with a team of scientists or calling for a rescue mission.
- skip forward to when Mike was carrying the cop as a shield in the hallway of the hospital - the other cops kept shooting their cop friend in the back over and over again like 20 times lol..why just why.
The Dr. knows he might be a carrier but he keeps exposing people instead of isolating himself. Oh - and the kicker - the Dr. goes on and on about how contagious prion's are - prion's are a protein - they are ONLY contagious if you eat the infected person/animal - hello basic science lol
NETFLIX - I could write better dribble than this in my sleep. Please allow me to do so or at least hire me to go over scripts for idiocy before you shoot.
I know this is based loosely off a comic but since it is very loosely based - you could have just gone all the way and fixed this disaster. - I'll sum it up with just a tidbit. - this show does not know who the main character is nor how to follow them. You should have ditched Mike - focused on Ian - he could have took a team of research scientists and been infected (not with a prion unless he ate a corpse) - followed his transformation throughout the entire first episode, focus entirely on your MAIN character (merging Mike and the Dr.) - once the good Dr. gains control of his vampiric nature he hates what he has become and uses his knowledge to search for a cure for himself, all the while fully coming to terms with and understanding how some vampires might want to remain a different species of human and not want to be cured. I am Legend meets Mr. Hyde. (first episode spoiler - his killing his wife/ seeing her transform could have even been his delusion and a symptom of his transformation - believing he killed a monster while he was actually the monster doing the killing.) - YOU ARE NOT DOING IAN SOMERHOLDER JUSTICE IN THIS BADLY WRITEN PIECE OF TRASH. - What a waste of good talent.