This was a cooking show in season 1 to 4 , after that it's just been a Soap Opera , I don't think it should be classed as a cooking show ,I think it should be classed under ,Soap Opera ,Drama or Horror movies ....because man!!!! , the amount of drama gives you a splitting headache....I mean you can see the difference between America and the rest of the World ,because eish eish....Hells Kitchen UK was much more a people's show ,once it went to America and became Soap Opera ,it flourished because that's the American environment that celebrates drama , narcissism , and all that, A Chef makes millions from shouting at people ,and demeaning them ,how much many more avenues can a man find to make more millions ,....a testament of our societies that we live in , .....if it was not for the wife I would not watch this at all ,but what can you do ....