(SPOILERS) 8.2 I love this movie! I waited 8 years for it and it was worth it, so many good cameos, a juicy way to tell the story that makes sense, fun little Easter eggs like Scott being the guard that gets killed in the beginning of it, wasn’t too scary but could be off putting sometimes PG13 fits, but it was still good as a PG13 movie. The most blood was probably the blood on the door when the dude gets killed by Bonnie.
I’m going to break this review into 2 parts.
1. Pros: I really think they twisted the story not too much but enough to where it can be its own story, but it still stays as something of the FNAF franchise. I think this movie was a great way to ends Scott’s work on a good note. I just really think it wasn’t repetitive or bland. I thought the movements would be cheesy but they weren’t, and even if they were cheesy I would have focused on that. I would have been too distracted on the story and the beautiful scenes that look exactly like in the games. As a die hard fanboy I really like this.
2. cons: this masterpiece didn’t have many cons, I think there’s only 1 con, I would have liked more lore on the characters they really focused on the story lore and not the characters. For example: Abby, they say she’s mikes younger sister that’s really it, she’s a huge part to the story yet not much lore and intel about her.
But overall 8.2 I love this movie and this franchise. We will miss you Scott and this was a masterpiece. Also the living tombstone song for the credits was cool detail. Bye! :)