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No, I hate robotomy, I hate this show on cartoon Network. This show sucks 👎🏻😠👎🏻, this huge rip-off of my life as teenage robot and transformers, which both shows are way better than this
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No the problem solverz, I hate this show. That's show make burn my eyes
The Problem Solverz
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No coconut fred's fruit salad island👎😠👎, I hate this show. Because it's rip-off of SpongeBob SquarePants, which one of my favorite show on Nickelodeon next to transformers earthspark and rise of teenage mutant Ninja turtles (2018)
Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island!
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No! 😠👎 I hate chota bheem? Oh my God that's cartoons India is suck! 🤬☝️ I want demon slayer family guy Gundam Popeye one punch man gravity falls samurai jack adventure time treasure island (1988) Baki Scooby Doo Dragon ball SpongeBob horrible Henry hazbin hotel camp camp the owl House and transformers as well
Chhota Bheem
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No, 😠👎 I hate big green city.
Big City Greens
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No more kung fu panda, 😠👎 i hate this movie, 🤬☝️ oh my God that movie sucks 😾👎. I want iron Man Captain underpants Wallace and gromit Superman returns hulk (2003) daredevil (2003) ghost rider (2007)
Kung Fu Panda
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No 😠👎 I hate fnaf I hate this book, 🤬☝️ oh my God this book is stuck! I only touhou Manga and books Captain America comic book and Batman comic book and dragon ball manga and Captain underpants book is way better than this,
Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights Graphic Novel Collection Vol. 1 (Five Nights at Freddy’s Graphic Novel #4)
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No ladybug and cat noir 😠👎, I hate this movie, 🤬☝️ I want SpongeBob SquarePants dragon ball family guy owl house JoJo bizarre adventure chainsaw man super Mario Bros amphibian Scooby Doo camp camp kill al kill and Spider-Man 2017 series
Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie
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No Madagascar: escape from Africa 😠👎, oh my God that movie is suck 🤬☝️. I want family guy Spider-Man JoJo bizarre adventure owl house and SpongeBob SquarePants Harry Potter Deadpool team fortress 2 and prehistoric planet
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
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No! 😠👎 I hate Tarzan 2? To look like part 1! That's movie suck! 🤬☝️ I want touhou silent Hill resident evil Texas chainsaw massacre the owl house backroom 007 metar gear and rwby x justice league