What you see in this show seems to be a reflection of who you are and how you see the world to a large degree. I love the show. I love the Claire character and how it is played so exquisitely! I love the Jamie character and the growth of both characters through their various challenges and time together and apart. The books were a feast I could not get enough of one summer five years ago and I do feel the same about the show. Season four, has a creative twist here and there such as the America the Beautiful playing over the robbery and murder in the first episode. Masterful juxtaposition! This season tries and succeeds most of the time to display the seeds of American national success and failures, racism, sexism, class priviledge notions, capitalism. The good the bad and the ugly. We have so much to be proud of and so much to continue to reckon with. As a history and sci fi buff, a woman who wants to see female agency as at least equal to male strength, this show is a delight. A random zipper on a boot here and a head of crazy wig hair there will not spoil what for me is ground breaking tv on many levels. Sex told from a woman's point of view, a woman's strength and long term married relationship as a featured centerpoint of a story! Where else?