This film starts brilliantly. It introduces an interesting character, interesting supporting characters, and starts to set up what looks like it will be an engaging plot about elitism, obsession and disillusionment.
The twist that this plot then undertakes at the halfway mark is again, excellent, deepening our protagonist and making it look like the film is building to an exciting conclusion that was not initially expected.
The final third of this film is then so out of the blue, jarring and distasteful that for me everything good up until this point was spoiled. What started as a well structured story of jealousy and obsession turned into a nonsensicle, self indulgent mess grasping at shock value.
I can honestly recommend watching this film until 1:33, then pretending it stops there. If the film had stopped there, it would have been 5/5. So dissapointing to see it ruined.