I had no idea that there was a nar movement happening around the world
I am a follower of Jesus as my Lord and Saviour
I am a born again Christian
I attended a church where our pastors speak only God’s Words and his Truth in the correct context
I am so thankful for this book which has revealed to me about this anti christian movement that’s attacking the little children, youth & young adults
I am both shocked and appalled at what I have just recently learned about this nar movement
This organization has twisted & changed the truth of the scriptures & even put their authority over Christ Jesus
nar is from the pit of hell the deceiver who wants to destroy the true Church
This book will help
True Christians to understand what nar is about how it comes into churches through music, in books made for children, in VBS, youth camps etc
They outline which churches, leaders & music to avoid
This book helps parents to talk with their children, youth and young adults about what nar is and how to protect our loved ones from this evil
I have listened to this book twice now and I am going to listen to it again This book is well worth listening too I highly recommend it to ALL even those caught up in this movement along with True believers in Christ Jesus