I am not an expert but I highly doubt the assertions that are said there. I weighed 345 pounds before the pandemic, now I'm at 198 pounds, my diet is only based on red meat, fat, eggs, madurated cheeses, not milk, I don't eat fruits, I don't eat bread, I don't eat flour, I don't eat sugar, in short, I don't eat carbohydrates, I don't eat vegetables ( I plan to change only that in my diet, I want to try to include those that I can tolerate, although I feel that I do not need them) I am 48 years old, I suffered from hypertension, high sugar, I used a machine to sleep, now I do not take medicines, I practice fasting and I exercise regularly, weights and cardio, my blood tests support what I say and my health and my mood confirm that as far as I am concerned, many of the statements in the documentary are not true.