Awful. Such a shame. Poor acting oscillating from wooden to scenery chewing, convoluted and rushed writing where am dram meets funding wham bam resulting in a lurid bore. The only positive thing about Dr Who is the opening credits, end credits, the logo and and the incumbent timelords veneers which are about the best thing about this programme. Entertainment is sacrificed for left wing rhetoric and visual narcissism which just about sums up the producer, the organisation behind it and the actors (the term 'actor' is used loosely). You never bad mouth the public, fans of Doctor Who or not, but in their virtue signalling bubble and plain arrogance the team behind this show has made a show for them and them only (I do hope I have used your pronouns correctly). After being told to switch off and touch grass by the main man (sorry if if have offended you by referring to you as a man - I am trying so hard to tread on eggshells for you and cow tao to your whim) - that's exactly what the audience has done. However I am sure a bit of viewing figure fudge and A.I bot abuse to exaggerate the hyperbole and positivity will continue to paint another picture of propaganda entirely. The audience gen Z or not aren't as dumb as you think they are.