Anyone else feel like they are watching WCW when it was at the end of its life cycle when wrestlers would just go out to the ring unscripted, and have no direction of the show? I literally feel like I’m watching that same garbage. These wrestlers outfits nowadays are out-of-this-world ridiculous (The Miz). Their microphone skills are atrocious. Don’t even get me started on the fueds. How can any WWE fan that uses social media believe any of the garbage they are putting out when wrestlers that are feuding on camera are taking pictures together on Instagram/Twitter in a car together, or at the gym? Kayfabe. Keep Kayfabe. It makes it more believable. Can’t expect people to be all in when a top heel is trashing a crowd one minute, then taking pictures with fans when the show is over. There are a multitude of problems at WWE. These are just a few, I believe, are the issues causing the downward spiral.