While it looks to be a good game, I couldn't tell ya honestly. I've got about 4 hours in the game so far, and only about 15 minutes was acrual play time, before I was kicked due to server connection issues. Sometimes the game won't even let you into the main menu, and if it dies, be ready to wait a hour for it to finally matchmake. If you think single player mode will fix that issue, think again. It's ALWAYS online, and you still have to matchmake even for an invite only lobby. It's downright horrendous, to the point I can't even give an actual game review since I've hardly played it. Payday 2 came out in 2011 I think?? Which means they've had 10+ years to make this game, and once it's out it's barely playable. I may not even return to this game if they fix the server issues, it's left such a bad taste in my mouth that I'm not sure will go away.