I feel like this movie only had really one flaw, at least for me and it was length of the movie, it was just too short. I could’ve done with 20 mins extra or a little more to really flesh out some more story to really make this a perfect origin story, as well as the perfect mortal kombat movie we all wanted as fans. The fight scenes were fast paced like a true expert mortal kombat gamer would bring. The story was intriguing, but I really wanted more of scorpion point of view like maybe an extra 30 secs into his own mindset. I would’ve liked to have see some flashbacks of his family and clan when they were alive and then being woken up to the reality that it’s no longer true to really drive home that pain to an audience. Also like to add when he makes comments to the rest of the cast if his thought process comes in a bit for the audience to really give them more of a grip as to who he is and why for those that are not fans or just being introduced. I feel it really drove the fans to receive more joy of him getting his revenge. I get why it was the way it was though if you were a team that made a movie of a franchise you loved and that franchisee was striving to give you exactly what you wanted a year or so after, would you want to compete and possibly lose the opportunity to work with them or create more work that can complement and enhance that franchise. I say that to say this scorpions revenge is an animated mortal kombat film with such great moments that really take you for a ride, but before you know it’s over and you left feeling good but whelmed. You left thinking if I could add more to this movie that is almost perfect I would add this, which might be great for other movies but for mortal kombat it’s been very well deserving of its due to make the same impact this video franchise has spawned over 3 decades of generations and more to come. I just hope in the future they try to adapt more lore and kinda give those conclusions or moments that the video provides through character biography, end game cut scenes based on characters, or there mythology explained to certain characters backstories told during story game play, just to fill in the gaps.