Before watching it and I heard that there was a subject theme about divorce,I was starting to hesitate cause just hearing the word scares me,since I don't yet understand it but I do feel the pain.But after watching this underrated hidden gem film,which actually explained specificly about how families or parents don't get along and that their children feel like they don't love them anymore or that things will never be the same as before.But after seeing it all,I did learn how even if families or parents fall in the darkside and let anger consume them just because things will change to not be how it is anymore but still they can still find their way to the light,together or afar,they're still family.So even though divorce is like still a tough subject for some,the way it was well donely shown in here was absolutely accurate and perfect so despite what others might say:I give this hidden masterpiece 5 stars for well done at handling and guiding the journey of how even when darkness might cause a family to split,they can still be on the path to the light and help show their children that even if split up they still love them more than anything!