Just watched the movie. Honestly, personally having seen Raimis previous takes in superhero movies like with the Tobey Spider-Man series, I’ve always really enjoy Sam Raimis directing style. But with this movie there was just something that didn’t quite feel the same. I still loved the movie, and damn- Raimi did what Raimi does best and made it pretty clearly horror themed/revolved. It was very heavily darker then the normal MCU films we see, which isn’t bad at all and I like that they are going into different and more mature aspects with their cinematic universe now. I wasn’t even really expecting that either, it caught me by surprise. It felt a little rushed, and for a film about multiverse travel, they really could have done a lot more with it. It’s kind of sad it didn’t live up to the hype and I left pretty underwhelmed with my buds. Good movie still, just not great. If I had to scale it- No way home is better but this film is better than civil war. I’ll give it a 7/10, which is sad seeing how much they could have done and gone for and exceeded a 10/10. Still definitely a watch though, and an enjoyable one at that