As a huge fan of the movie and was incredibly excited for the show, this is one of the worst shows ever made!!!
Last episode they had people in thrift shop jeans and modern hats.
The acting and script is horrible. You get better in a high school film project than this mess.
Willow at the end of the movie was learning real magic and apprentice to high aldwin. The village felt real and had culture and customs. Here just a few all live in a hole in the ground, village somehow destroyed, they all mock and feel like the customs are a joke. Willow is a side character and completely different.
The main characters are teens that talk like a spoof and mockery of spoiled teens today. "Like o my god like the script has like all these likes in the dialogue I mean like what the hell?"
The producers and good critics race at having LGBT front and center of this show. That is what this really is. They had no respect or care for the original story. Not qualified to make this either. So throw in a bunch of LGBT and checkboxes and hope they trick or get old fans on it to pretend it's a success. One critic review of LGBT community said they never heard of Willow but when a friend told them of two teen girls making out in the first 20 minutes they suddenly were interested and how good it is.
So if just a lazily put together LGBT content and generic woke stuff made by the C and D grade highschool film class is entertaining for you, enjoy it. If want a continuation of the Willow story, this isn't it.