Personally I loved zombies 3, I thought it was really cute and had a good plot!
I loved how the aliens in this movie were scripted to act, you could tell that they were from a whole other galaxy. I caught my self laughing out loud at some of the things they would say! Also the alien actors were gorgeous!!!
The Werwolf’s seabrook attitude added to their sass honestly was just everything!!
Costumes and hair were pretty good except for when Addison had blue hair because you can see the lace but I mean not everything can be perfect.
I will say however that the songs definitely didn’t come close to the songs in Zombies 1 and 2. They weren’t bad but the writers could have put a little more thought into the lyrics. The beat to the songs were top tier but the lyrics to go with them were disappointing. The songs were catchy but a little more thought would have made it 100x better. Except for the song exceptional zed because that song was amazingggg.
I did find the movie was a bit rushed but overall it was really good!