I have this game on ps4. I honestly would rate it 3 stars if I was just talking about the console version, but the pc version is actually really good. On pc you can add mods to have more realistic settings, such and downloading a mod that allows u to change pop height, top speed, pop height out of different things, add footprints, etc. But on console, its very basic. 7 maps, no huge point in the game. But, I will say its very cool that there is no trick animation and the way you flip your board is 100% up to you, which adds style, and creativity. I skate in real life so I can see the game in a cooler say. A lot of people don't know that almost all the spots in easy day high school are real, famous spots that you can recreate tricks on. Also, the downtown LA map is literally downtown LA. If you focus on a specific trick or line you can skate those 2 maps for hours. Still, its been 3 months, and easy day hasn't made a single update. Which is very disappointing knowing I spent the same amount of money that gta 5 is.