CDR started off with very good hope for being a great season....but saying it was great would be delusional. The cast of girls was AMAZING no doubt on that, incredibly talented that goes beyond many of the RPDR seasons.
Unfortunately the judging started kinda weird....then got akward....then it just pissed people off. First and foremost it is clear that out of all the critiques a good half of those just didn't make any sense. Although it is an opinionby the judges, which we can agree or less, some of those critiques felt disingenuous and a bit unrealistic (rita first win didnt feel right, Jimbo has been evaluated uncorrectly several times costing her at least 2 wins which she deserved better, Priyanka won a makeover challenge with a corset which was questionable, and the list goes on...). Until here it is still okay, we are not in their position and they re there for a reason so we assume they ve got the right qualification to do what they re doing.
But when the comments by the judges feels as rude and inappropriate as they have been,calling out for bodyshaming,witty comments that end up being just mean and gross....well...that is not okay.
Call it a TV show, call it a game,call it taking it too personal. Still you have got a huge responsibility towards the lgbt+ community and by being unprofessional you are affecting the lgbt community more than you think.
The name of the show comes along with much more than 100k but with a very important message of love and acceptance, something that JBC in particular didn't share at all,sounding mean and distasteful.
That automatically puts this season in one of the most uneasy to watch so far and will become very forgetful very soon.
From here a lesson needs to be learned: if you try to get money and share by being rude...well you got it. And now your career is at risk because of it. Be nice within a show that shares those values...or dont be...and it will be the beginning of the end.
Wish the queens would have had better mentors...and now people will know how hard is to do Rupaul job...