A very good watch. The makers of this movie really focus on how social media uses mind control to manipulate our population. They almost make it feel as though SOCIAL media is the only problem we face. No mention of how this combines with the mainstream media and that both publish false news. The makers of this film are almost suggesting that we should stop listening to personal opinions on social media as it isn’t factual. So the message here is, don’t listen to personal opinions, listen to our political leaders which have always had our best interests at heart and never lie to us. Don’t listen to the opinions of scientists and doctors that the mainstream media and government try to keep quiet and label as conspiracy theorists. I honestly believe that this movie is an attempt to push us all back to the mainstream media and for us to stop listening to others that are against the governments corrupt agendas. Social media gives us all a voice. World governments don’t like that. They talk about social media as the matrix, fact is you was plugged in when you first bought a news paper or a television. Difference is that they control what the news papers and television publish and only have LIMITED control of what’s published on social media. This is a mistake they have made. They are now trying to correct this mistake.