This is the best game of 2019 by far. I won’t lie, this game has a few kinks to work out. Mainly the glitches but this game is addicting. When this game dropped, I couldn’t stop playing it until I knew I was finish with most of it. The story mode is fantastic. If you like a game with a good story mode, this is your game. It’s almost excitement around every corner. You’re pretty much building Deek to be this zombie killing war machine and there’s no rush like killing your first horde. With how the game ended, I’m hoping there’s a sequel to this game. Hopefully it’ll have a multiplayer game modes in it and more features to come. Like more upgrades on a bike and new weapons (I say this because I didn’t get to use the flamethrower I kept killing people for. Would’ve came in handy 😂). Despite the criticism this game has gotten, I say this is the best game I’ve played in a while.