The show is a really really good show and I can’t stop watching it like I’m waiting for season two to come because of how good the show is. I would like to say with Taylor situation I really don’t see the problem with what Jenny said in her speech to be honest I thought what she said it was fair because the teacher is not showing any sort of like in Jenny so I think what Jenny said was absolutely fair but I would like to say that I do agree that Jenny her character does seem to be a little unfair kind of jealous but I also see the side that she’s coming from because her mom is a single mom and she’s just moved and I kind of understand what she’s going through because I am moved so many places as well. And just getting that feel from starting a new school, new friends, and a new boyfriend. It’s tuff like completely, Kudos to the directors the crewmates the producers everything everyone in the show you guys came out with the best show on Netflix I am waiting for season two thank you so much!!