The Lester Holt show has become a joke and keeps diving to another nasty level of twisted truth only spotlighting and reporting On what supports the Democratic liberal side of politics which has not worked over the past four years completely trying to slam the Republican conservative party to smear a negative view on very good people that love America and want America to be strong healthy not overrun by illegal immigrants welcomed in by the Biden /Harris administration given free housing drivers license and where do they get their insurance they probably don't carry insurance so they're driving illegally hopefully no one in my family gets hit or killed by them but you'll never hear that on his show the moral compass of NBC and molester Holt show Halle Jackson and the rest of the clan seems to have set sale for hell with Satan as their captain keep killing the babies and watch what God will do to you when your time of visitation comes and you stand for judgment do you think your name will be in the book of life I don't know I'm not too judge but I would not want to be in your shoes set your moral compass on Jesus Christ on the cross repent said no more for the kingdom of heaven is at hand no you're not going to live forever I know this because I had an out of body experience when I bled out at Silver Cross Hospital in Joliet barely cleaning to life the Lord granted me a second chance were most don't get that so in ending again love your neighbor as you love yourself if you can manage that and repent and sin no more how much time do you have left it could run out tonight no one knows when their visitation will come and the angel of death demands you of your life give your life to Jesus let him set your Moral compass