This is the definition of Vegan Propaganda. Ever since I had to listen to my mom watch this, I knew that this was a bias ad for vegan diet. The saddest part is that my mother believed it. She almost entirely stopped eating meat and she is trying to instill her beliefs into me.
For example (if I remember correctly), they kept saying that eating meat is the same as smoking a cigarette. That is not true. Eating too much is what is the same as smoking.
They worded everything that they said as like a vegan ad. From the start, I called the show “Vegan Propaganda”, but when I looked into it last night, I found the horrible fact that it actually is.
And yes, the meat production line is horrible and inhumane, but one less number on their big chart is not going to stop what’s happening. That animal is still going to die, and you not buying will not stop it.
In summary, this show is trying to spread misinformation about meat, and is a blatant ad from petty environmentalists to promote vegan diets.