I really like all of the FBI shows, but you can't hear the dialogue over all of the loud music. You hire writers to write dialogue and actors to act, but it's all drowned out by the insanely loud and annoying music. Why bother paying for writers and actors? My poor mom who wears hearing aides has to turn off the sound and turn on the closed caption to watch. She finally just gave up watching all three FBI shows because it wasn't enjoyable and she couldn't watch because she was reading the CC the entire show. Seriously, you don't need that much music, especially when the actors are speaking. Here's a thought, let the actors do the acting and conveying the intensity of the scenes and let the audience use their imagination. Viewers aren't idiots, we can actually pickup on tense situations without the assistance of high octave drums, bass, and loud sound effects. Normal levels would be just as effective.