To all you out there who are going to say I’m hating on this movie because “it’s women lead” and because I’m just an “incel” I’m not i don’t care if a movie is lead by either, but here’s the thing
This movie was not it
I went to see this movie because Sony (usually) has a good shot record with how they produce Spider-Man movies discounting Morbius so when I was going to go watch this movie, I was thinking well fool me once and oh they really fooled me on this movie. I’m not one for falling asleep but this movie has me all over the place at some spots it has good pacing and some good action and then all of a sudden it’s slow and some deaths don’t make sense and they try to make it seem like it’s all sad but it’s not and then the editing is just completely weird. I don’t know why they would put this out to public when it’s not even finished or corrected and then the acting is kind of bad don’t give me wrong. The actresses are fine and I feel like they are in their correct spots but they’re acting is completely off the mark and the villain is completely generic and the scenes where he’s talking and it’s that’s not matching his mouth, is completely awful.
I honestly think that I’m getting tired of all this lying with companies and this woke propaganda, this movie is not worth it. I would say wait till this movie comes out in streaming
So I rate this a 1.5 for some good things but mostly bad from a lying company, I would say, realistically, this movie should only get the highest of two stars