Awful awful film. I thought Exorcist: Believer was thw worst flick I saw this year but Thanksgiving comes in before the end of the year to beat it out. I have only ever done one Google review, but I feel a special obligation to warn my fellow citizens about this puece of garbage. All of the main characters are pointless, contrived and there is no reason to care about any of them. I suspect this story was perhaps written by Roth when he was in middle school and he may have found it cleaning out his childhood bedroom at his parents' house during a rough stretch of writer writes block. The big reveal of thebkiller and their motivation at the end of the movie is completely tacked. It's like Roth became so entrenched with the passable gore sequences and forgot all about the who the killer was at then end.
I liked Cabin Fever and Hostel and thought he was fairly underrated. But now I'm not so sure. I thing DGA and WGA should have some sort of suspension system for when a writer/director creates something so terrible. He should be put on a professional growth llan and have hos scripts scrutinized by a committee before he gets the chance to make his next film.