This movie got a lot of unnecessary hate. Overall this is an AMAZING film with great cast and CGI. They pulled what back then, due to the limited tech back then, they couldn't pull. Is it better than the original? Yes and no.
As a horror film, this film does amazing, it has the scares and killer to keep you on the edge of your seat. They gave the story a bit of a twist by not answering Freddy's true reason why he is after them right off the bat. Also, this film gives you lots to admire when it comes to effects. The gore is amazing and overall the CGI was put to good use here.
DO NOT listen to the bad reviews, they are hating on it mainly for the change in character they did for Freddy. I don't blame them, original Freddy was very funny and was always joking around when killing his victims(not to mention for the most part he was LHAO). In this film, Freddy is more serious, still jokes around here and there, but overall he is more of a serious "I'm going to kill you just not right now" kind.
It's sad that my review won't make the film justice, but hey if you can watch it, it's an AWESOME horror film.