A cop show for soft people. Let me explain. There is a huge woke agenda being pushed. Men on the show are soft and women officers are very masculine(Lopez and Harper) they are literally stripped from feminine energy, they instead act like men, they are more masculine than their husbands. Officer Lopez husband is soft and feminine and he is usually scared of his wife. Not to forget the scene where he is in the house taking care of the kid when she returns from work(instead of going to work) contrary of course to the theory of evolution where a man spends his time outside hunting and protecting his tribe and shelter from predators. Not saying that women shouldn't work. But the show is totally sciencephobic. The police head sarg or any superior never yells and sets his officers straight when it needs to be done, they are always soft on all occasions even when pursuing a crime or handling a criminal. If you're a woke liberal with low testosterone and also sciencephobic and anti biology, this show is for you.