This Danish film is yet again another embarrassment to the nation who created an entire city to house an entire industry that almost single handedly invented and then perfected what became known as the motion picture industry.
And that’s because between the knuckleheads who now run this industry, and the reduced demand among a populace that reads at the 6th grade level upon graduating high school, judges films by their body count and ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound, we have ceded the moral high ground, let alone the inspirational high ground of a script that challenges what we thought we knew or sadly, what we even want to know.
The Bombardment, a 2023 film about a little-known WW2 catastrophe of epic proportions, perhaps because it took place in a foreign city under Nazi occupation which itself was a disaster of unprecedented proportions, we learn about a RAF plot to fly a dangerous mission over water and then into the heart of a city to wipe-out a huge corporate building which houses the dreaded German SS.
That’s all I want to reveal because I don’t want to give away too much here, only that the direction is flawless, the cast of all-foreign actors (kids and adults)is brilliant, the cinematography is outstanding and the script forces us to think (yeah!) and as hard as looked, I could not find any superhero flying to capture a falling meteorite, although Superman Returns was indeed a great movie!