I bought this for my kids (10 and 5) on PS4, it was really cute with enough free range where progression through the game was via completing quests. My kids loved it, they liked how the load screen showed the array of bugsnax and characters you had found. There is LGBTQIA+ relationships between NPCs which my kids didn't care about or comment on, rather they enjoyed changing the characters by feeding them bugsnax.
My youngest loved the one of the bosses, and repeated it over and over. Another good aspect of this game was the characters always spoke, (unlike in Pokemon games where I had to read every dialogue). Additionally the variety of contraptions and strategies used to capture bugsnax was entertaining as well as a good level of challenge, my 5y.o often got it better than their older sibling.
*Spoiler Alert* One downside, which caused my 5y.o. much distressed was the end and some characters disappeared- he loved his characters and handed me the controls because he didn't like what you had to do.
Overall a great little game, my 5y.o is stoked that they finished a game, apart from crying for the loss of some NPCs at the end. 4.5/5