It wasn't as I expected, I was confused by the main love relationship, which seemed somewhat lack lustre, although apparently full of passion, and was not much more than a fling but seemed to be something neither could do without....and I think that feeling of confusion stayed through the whole film. Ryan and Emily are interesting actors and just as I wondered if Ryan was a one-trick pony he showed some intriguing sides to his personality - he is, of course, extremely attractive and appears to be a decent man. Emily is of English charm, beautiful and good at her job. But something was missing. These qualities in the main characters weren't enough to 'hold you'. Having two very attractive lead characters isn't enough, it may draw in the crowds but there was just a lack of substance, believability and too much aggression for me. The storyline was predictable and complicated and not really engaging. The concept was OK but for me, none of the areas hit the mark - the comedy wasn't very funny, the story wasn't cohesive and you could obviously tell when the different stuntman had doubled up for Ryan. It was OK. Not one I will watch again but definitely not the worst I have seen.