Holy hell, this was an absolutely fantastic movie. I'm not a huge movie fan nowadays as I can't seem to connect with many films out there... I can always tend to sense the acting falsehoods thrown into the field by major film studios. I believe that this film, however, shows off a part of Nicolas Cage's true character. What's slightly odd is the fact that a good chunk of the business world dilemmas that were touched on in this film are things that have affected me personally; and so the entire film ran deep with me. It makes me want to meet Nicolas Cage face-to-face a bit more as we're actually cousins whom have never met. Perhaps our genetic history is what made me adore this movie more than the fact that I too have faced work quandaries (granted, perhaps not quite as severe as what happened in this movie).
Overall, relative to what I've seen in the past few years, I'd give this a 5/5. Excellent piece! Thank you so much, Nic and Alex.
Unnecessary side note, but Nic, your uncle's FS wine is superb.