It is infinitesimally inconceivable to assert that anyone who is criticizing this documentary with brutal vitriol has spent even 5 minutes watching the film, much less doing any amount of cross refereable research on facts with even the most simple minded thought processes. It’s stunning to watch the deeply profound and severe denial of the truth. If I were to defend what may very well be the most cunning and prolific pedophile in all of recorded human history, I’d want to know what was in this documentary in order to truly defend irrevocable and indesputable facts. But that’s just me. Those defending Michael Jackson at this point have clearly not seen it, much less done thoughtful research but are reacting out of emotional biases and willful ignorance. Please take them with a grain of salt. They make wild claims that once researched are nothing more than deception and fabrication sprinkled with specks of the truth. This documentary gives an invaluable and informative account of child sexual abuse especially as it pertains to boys. Given what little data we have on how boys process sexual trauma and the ignorance of child sexual seduction and grooming by the general world public, it cannot be understated how valuable a piece like this is to the education and catharsis of humankind.