While it seems that a few of the details laid out by these two men may be debatable, the documentary does a fantastic job answering some of the most difficult questions about Micheal Jackson's alleged pedophilia: "How could have Micheal gotten away with this?", "Why didn't these men say anything earlier?", and "How could the parents, siblings, and other adults not see this for what it was?".
To critics of the film, I would say that this is not an exhaustive accounting of all the evidence to accuse Micheal of child molestation. It's not even a great portrait of Micheal as a person. Instead, it's an attempt to unravel the complicated relationship dynamics and motivations between him, Wade, James, and others that allowed such a thing to happen.
I can't say that this documentary makes me feel good. I feel differently when I hear his music now. I feel sympathy not just for the boys but also Micheal himself. The whole film paints a picture of profound tragedy and pain for all involved. I recommend this film to anyone, even if they don't care much about whether or not MJ was a pedophile. It's a revealing take on the process of grooming children for sexual relationships, and the emotional ties that complicate the issue.